
Fraternity announces Professional Development Conference (PDC) to take place October 31 to November 3, 2019

The Professional Development Conference (PDC) is a unique opportunity for undergraduates to develop their professional skills through workshops and one-on-one coaching. It is also an incredible opportunity for soon-to-be graduating Phi Psis to build a network of professional and personal contacts in a variety of fields from around the country.  

The program exposes attendees to a series of training opportunities where skills that are learned in college and in the fraternity environment are parleyed into professional skills that will benefit graduating Phi Psis as they move into the next phase of their lives and careers. With a 5:1 attendee to alumni coach ratio, attendees get personal coaching that is essential to driving program impact.  

While it is expected that hundreds of juniors and seniors will want to experience the Professional Development Conference, only 94 seats are available for 2019 and registration is on a firstcome basis.  Undergraduates will be notified and given more details when registration officially opens. 

Thanks to alumni underwriters, the cost per attendee for the three-day, three-night PDC is $510. This does not include travel related expenses but does include hotel, meals during the program and all program costs. Students are only required to pay $150 upon registration to reserve one of the 94 seats at PDC. Registration will be open to all interested juniors and seniors with no application phase.  

The remaining $360 can be paid in the following ways by the October 1 deadline: 

  1. By the attending student or his parent either through personal funds or individual fundraising efforts 
  2. By the chapter itself 
  3. By using available Chapter Leadership Funds (CLF) raised from alumni and held by the Phi Kappa Psi Foundation. If a chapter has existing funds to send one or more of their members, seats for those members will be allotted and held for the chapter. The chapter will then decide internally which undergraduates will attend and will register them appropriately including the $150 per person registration fee. Chapter Leadership Fund balances are publicly available on the Foundation’s website, and those chapters will be personally contacted. 

For chapters within a reasonable driving distance of 6 hours or less, a travel stipend will be available to the driver whose car is used to travel to Chicago. For those that must fly, the Fraternity will help arrange flights through its travel agent and the cost can be paid for by each individual or through available Chapter Leadership Fund dollars.  

The Fraternity acknowledges that this process is more complicated than in previous years, and that there are still some unanswered questions. Registration is set to open on September 2nd and we will keep you informed and up to date as more information becomes available.  

If you have any questions please contact memberdevelopment@phikappapsi.com.


Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity is a 501(c)(7) association of men of integrity who strive to develop the individual in his intellect, involvement in the community and faith. The Fraternity was founded Feb. 19, 1852 at Jefferson College by William Henry Letterman and Charles Page Thomas Moore. The Fraternity currently has more than 100 chapters across the United States, over 6,500 undergraduate members and 80,000-plus living alumni.

Phi Kappa Psi Foundation

The 501(c)(3) charitable arm of Phi Kappa Psi, the Phi Kappa Psi Foundation was established in 1914 to foster the development of leaders and promote academic excellence in higher education. Today, through contributions from generous donors, these priorities remain with the Foundation funding grants in three key areas benefiting the lives of Phi Psis across the nation: leadership, scholarship and housing.