Foundation Funds Grant for 2017 Woodrow Wilson Leadership School

This week, over 300 undergraduate chapter leaders from across the country are attending the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity’s Woodrow Wilson Leadership School (WWLS) at Butler University funded in large part by the Phi Psi Foundation.  The Foundation’s grant covers 85.09% ($156,050) of the program’s anticipated costs and represents the largest grant to WWLS in the program’s history. WWLS runs from today through Sunday, June 25, 2017.

According to the Grant Proposal submitted to the Foundation, “The WWLS is designed to provide participants with lifelong skills they can use beyond the five-day leadership experience. With a program focused on helping young men to embrace their strengths as a leader, explore their masculinity, place a priority in self-care, become advocates for important causes, and leave a legacy as a leader, the WWLS challenges the students in a number of ways that are critical to their development. There are two tracks in the program: Emerging Leaders, which is designed for rising sophomores, and Leadership Academy, which is designed for rising juniors and seniors.”

Funding leadership development programs is one of three core funding priorities for the Phi Psi Foundation; with safe and effective chapter housing and academic scholarships being the other two. Since 2006, the Foundation has distributed grants totaling $1,477,892 to the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity for educational programming such as WWLS. In the same period, the Foundation has granted $16,515,966 in educational area and operating grants for chapter housing, and $4,709,739 in academic scholarships.

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